Saturday, April 22, 2023

SHRQ3/WOS-Tuning Journal for Higher Education (TJHE)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 University of Deusto


The editorial staff uses the TURNITIN software to verify the originality of manuscripts submitted to the Journal.

Submission and Publication Fees 

Submission and Publication Fees 

Currently, no charges for manuscript submission, processing, and publication are applicable.

To expedite the review process, please format your manuscript as follows:

  1. Prepare your manuscript as a single editable Microsoft Word or Open Office document with line numbering, using the template downloadable from the web page of the Journal (Word format: TJHE Article Template Version Sept 2014 Open Office format: TJHE Article Template Version Sept 2014). The file should include the title page (with all authors’ full names, email addresses, and institutional affiliations, plus the email address of a single corresponding author), the complete text, references, tables, and figures. All revised manuscripts should again be sent as a single editable document.

  2. Manuscripts must be written in either UK English or US English consistently and include a 100-300 word abstract. The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), 16th or later edition, should be used as a reference for manuscript preparation (

  3. Format of references, notes, and bibliography list.

    1. From 1st January 2022, authors can format their citations and references in either of the two referencing systems of the Chicago Manual of Style (16th or later edition): Notes and Bibliography and Author-Date systems (https:// They however are required to use either system consistently. Until 1st January 2022, authors had to use the Notes and Bibliography system only.

Sample papers:

Influential factors contributing to the understanding of international students’ choice of Malaysian higher education institutions: Qualitative study with a focus on expected benefits

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