Which one is correct?
How to publish in this journal
Adam Marszalek Publishing House
The New Educational Review is a journal that has been founded by the faculties of education from the following universities: University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovak Republic) and University of Ostrava (Czech Republic). The deans and vice-deans of the pedagogical faculties of the universities mentioned above create associate Editors board. The main seat of editorial board is placed at the Faculty of Education and Psychology in University of Silesia in Poland.
- Contributors should submit their manuscripts to be considered for publication electronically as Word files with minimum formatting in Times New Roman by e-mail: to bronislava.kasacova[at]umb.sk by authors from the Slovak Republic, to alena.seberova[at]osu.cz by authors from the Czech Republic and to tner[at]marszalek.com.pl by authors from Poland and other countries.
- The length of every manuscript is limited to 25 000 characters, including spaces, tables, figures and references.
- References should be placed at the end of the article in alphabetical order and respect the rules of the APA Publication Manual. References should include the digital object identifier (DOI) number for articles and e-books when available.
- All manuscripts are blind reviewed by two independent reviewers, who pay attention to the following aspects of every manuscript: presentation of the most important results of empirical research (not all results), qualitative discussion of quantitative data, information on what is new in the presented research and the author’s contribution to the sciences of education, sociology of education or psychology of teaching. Accepted manuscripts are normally published within six months of acceptance.
- Because of the large number of manuscripts sent to the editorial office from the whole world, we publish only those which obtain the greatest number of points in the reviewer’s form.
- Together with the manuscript, every author should send the declaration and copyright form, filled in and signed by all the authors, which is placed on the journal website. Only the manuscripts which fulfill the formal as well as the essential requirements of our journal are referred to the editorial process.
- Contributors should become familiar with the scientific problems addressed in the journal (prior to sending their articles).
The article template can be downloaded in Word document format.
The Declaration and Copyright Transfer Form can be downloaded in Word format.
25,000 characters is between 3571 words and 6250 words with spaces included in the character count. If spaces are not included in the character count, then 25,000 characters is between 4166 words and 8334 words.
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