Wednesday, November 30, 2022

NOT SCOPUS-International Journal of Management and Economics Invention (IJMEI)

 Dear Researcher,

International Journal of Management and Economics Invention [ISSN: 2395-7270], is a double blind peer reviewed refereed journal that aims at the dissemination and advancement of research in all areas of Economics, finance, and Management.

We are seeking research/ review articles, short notes, letter to editors and case studies for our issue with an editorial focus on topics and research panorama of other technology streams.



DOI: 10.47191/IJMEIIMPACT FACTOR: 7.193, Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 72.76

Submission open for December Issue-2022

Deadline for submission: 26 December 2022

Acceptance Notification: 4 to 7 days

Mailed your article to:


You will benefit from:

1)      Open Access – articles are freely available online

2)      Cross-Ref DOI (Each published articles)

3)      Immediate publication on acceptance

4)      Our journal is a Print & Online journal which provides International Exposure to Researchers.

5)      All articles immediately uploaded in the many indexing services like: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Open Aire,Zenodo, Scribd, etc. (Many more). 




Journal Manager



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