Tuesday, July 4, 2023

RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas-Brazil-8,000 words-APA-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal


SJR links are dead. Google link works:


Launched in 1961, RAE supported the development of administrative thinking in Brazil and the consolidation of the profession of administrator.

Length: A maximum of 8,000 words – for the complete text, including title, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references.
• Font: Time New Roman, size 12; Alignment: Justified; Line spacing: 1.5.

Citations and references

Citations and references follow the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).

- The version of the text submitted must follow the format of the section in which the work is inserted: Template Article and Template Essay.

- The Open Science Compliance Form has been filled and prepared for submission (must be attached as a Supplemental File for Review in Step 2 (Step 2: File Upload) in the ScholarOne system).

- The data of all authors must be filled and the ORCID ID must be informed.

  • What is the average number of days between submission and approval? And publication?

    R: The average number of days between submission and approval is 210 days; between submission and publication the average is 365 days.

  • During the evaluation process, what is the estimated amount of time for an author to receive a response?

    R: Responses on the format evaluation are sent to the authors in up to two business days. A desk reject response in 2022 was sent on average within 13 days.

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