Saturday, January 29, 2022

Education and Self Development

SCImago Journal & Country Rank




How to publish in this journal

Papers for E&SD may include studies in: - Pedagogy, adrogogy (adult learning) and heutogogy (self-determined learning) for individual or group learning; - Education for employment, access, equity and social inclusion; - Design, development and application of learning systems and tools; - Leadership and management in lifelong learning; - Curriculum development and course design; - Open, distance, blended and flipped learning; - Professional development for educational/organisational change; - Monitoring and quality assurance; - Formative and summative evaluation, assessment and research methods;

Russian Federation

Kazan Federal University


E&SD publishes article in both Russian and English. All articles have their titles, abstract and keywords in both languages. However, the references must be in Roman script.

If you are interested in being considered for membership of the reviewer panel, please contact the Deputy Editor, Nick Rushby: 


Education and Self Development (E&SD) is published by Kazan Federal University (KFU)


"Education and Self Development"
Office 59, 1 Mezhlauk Street
Kazan 420021
Russia Federation

  +7 (843) 221 3475
  +7 (917) 904 9885


ISSN 1991-7740

Frequency of Publication

E&SD publishes four print issues each year. It was established in June 2006

Impact Factor and Ranking

The Journal has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus and is applying for inclusion in Web of Science. At present it has not established an impact factor or ranking but these will be forthcoming.

Open Access

E&SD is an online, open access journal fully funded by Kazan Federal University. The Journal is a signatory to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and is committed to ensuring that all of the articles we publish are freely available. Articles are available to all without charge, and there are no article processing charges (APCs) for authors.

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