Wednesday, February 2, 2022

SJRQ4-International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


1. If your Microsoft 11 domain firewall is turned on, you will not be able to reach this journal.

2. You can reach this site using your Android phone with no problem.
3. The journal has moved from Dergipark to its new domain in 2020.
4. This journal is still indexed by Scopus as of December 2021.
5. I think the APC is $400 according to the comments in the SJR portal section.
6. Be aware there are multiple complaints on the SJR portal section about papers being accepted and money paid but publication is not happening (over 5 months waiting).

Publication Frequency: The INT-JECSE is being published twice (around June and December) a year.

Consistent error messages using both Google Chrome and Firefox in trying to reach this journal from a laptop using Windows 11. There are no problems using an Android phone. 

Problem can be resolved by disabling your virus protection software. In my case I was using AVAST.

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