Sunday, February 26, 2023

SJRQ1-Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing (JPPW)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Review update: 2023.02.28

1. The journal is now publishing the paper PDFs online.
2. The journal is still active in Scopus.
3. The journal still lists 252 papers in process. This is a number which has not changed in
several years but papers are being published.

AThe January Scopus list shows this journal as still active. However, as mentioned below, there are serious problems after your paper is 'accepted' and your money is paid....

Journal of Positive

Active in the April 2022 Scopus list - Moved from Q2 to Q1! WOW

Psychology and Wellbeing

Warning (2022.March.02): Be very careful about sending any money to this journal. On the journal's website as of 2022.March.02 there 252 papers which they say they are being processed but are not posted yet. I paper accepted and paid for over a month ago is not on the this as well. 
Also, my attempt to retrieve any PDF from any paper was unsuccessful, as the links are not active.
This statement appears, but when I login, nothing happens:
Subscription required to access item. To verify subscription, log in to journal.
E-mails are also going unanswered concerning payment made and the status of the paper. 
Effectively, it seems everyone has gone home with no-one left to run the store. 

PUBLISHER: Gokmen Arslan

APC: $980USD

Style: APA 7th Edition
The average length of an article is approximately 7,500 words. Articles should be no shorter than 5,000 words and no longer than 10,000 words.

Turnitin Score: No more than 20%

Ajarn Charlie's comments:
This journal seems to be expanding the range of papers and topics it will accept. It is also quick with my last paper taking only five weeks from submission to acceptance. There were no revisions and the paper was accepted "as is".

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