Sunday, February 26, 2023

SJRQ3-Strategic Design Research Journal (SDRJ)-Free-Brazil

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

The SDRJ is accepting submissions for its regular issues. Please, consult our guidelines page for detailed information.

Edu Jacques
Editorial Assistant of the Strategic Design Research Journal

Strategic Design Research Journal has no article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges.


You can find a template here.

Principal Contact

Edu Jacques
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • Paper should have a maximum of 6000 words, including tables, references, figure captions, and endnotes;
  • Title must have a maximum of 120 characters including spaces;
  • Abstract with no more than 20 lines, followed by at least three key-words;
  • Full text, typed in Cambria, font 10, and with spacing of 1,5 between lines;
  • Images, tables, charts and graphs must: a) be inserted in the text; b) have a good resolution; c) be accompanied by captions. Please follow the template.

 Thai papers:

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