Saturday, April 16, 2022

SJRQ2-International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET)

Scopus: Yes


Beall list: No


How to publish in this journal

21978638, 21978646

Author guidelines:

  • The first version has to ensure a blind peer review, this means: (1) The author(s) name(s) must not appear in the whole article and any accompanying files (such as figures of supplementary material). (2) The address, affiliation, biographical notes and any acknowledgements, disclosures, or funding information must be erased. (3) Authors should avoid citing their own work in a way that could reveal their identity. Please name the first file “blind version”. 
  • The second version has to be complete with all names appearing in the article and any accompanying files. Please attach the second version as an extra file in the submission process named “non-blind version”. The non-blind version should start with a title page which include besides the title and structured abstract (context, alternative term: purpose; approach, alternative term: methods; findings, alternative term: results; conclusions) - (1) the names, Email addresses and affiliations of all authors, (2) the name of the corresponding author, (3) a brief professional biography (biographical notes) of not more than 100 words for each named author, (4) ethics statement, (5) funding information (if applicable).
  • Addtionally, all figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, photographic images, etc.) should be submitted as supplementary files with at least 300 dpi (therefore additional to the embedded figures in the submitted versions). 
  • The extend to which a submission matches already published sources is indicated via percentages. The percentage is calculated by PlagScan. The decision after the integrity check is based on the following specific limits:
    • 5% - 10% match: manuscript will be sent back to the author to revise the manuscript.
    • > 10% match: manuscript will be rejected.

    General requirements

    • Language: Articles which are not in proper English will not be accepted and the article will not be forwarded to the reviewers. If English is not your native language, we recommend a professional proofreading prior submission (e.g. ajescribendi, editage).
    • APA, 7th Edition: In-text citations and references have to be in APA style, 7th EditionA quick guide can be found here.
    • Lengths: An article should be about 6.000 to 8.000 words in length.
    • Format: The Article has to be submitted in Word format. Use a normal font (e.g., 11-point Times Roman). 
    • Submission

      Submissions are only accepted online. Please register and log on to IJRVET. Two roles are available in the registration process: “Reader” and “Author”. If you want to submit an article, you need the role “Author”.  Registration, submission and publishing is without any fees or costs.

      Further information

      • Ethics Statement: here
      • Licensing and Copyright: here
      • Review Process and Criteria: here

Thai sample papers:

Building a skilled workforce: Public discourses on vocational education in Thailand

Nakarin Chalapati, Supaporn Chalapati

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