Wednesday, March 22, 2023

SJRQ2-World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE)-Prepay (18,000 baht)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank



How to publish in this journal

The publisher’s policy is that full publication payment must accompany the submission of the article. This amount will be credited to the first author’s account maintained by the publisher. If the article is not accepted for publication, the payment will be refunded in full. Once your article is accepted for publication, our processes are highly efficient and the dedicated WIETE team can ensure that your article is published in approximately 6-8 weeks from the deadline for submissions.

Submitted articles should not exceed six (6) pages in total, including the title page and must be arranged as A4 size (210mm x 297mm). Every submitted article of six (6) or fewer pages will attract a fee of $AUD800. Each additional page will attract a page levy of $AUD150.,%20No.1%20(2023)/06-Amnuaysin-O.pdf


Step 2:

You may like to send your paper in its present form to me for a preliminary assessment. A kit for authors is being sent based on this assessment.


Kindest regards


Zenon J. Pudlowski

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