Monday, March 13, 2023

SJRQ3-Journal of Education and e-Learning Research

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 

(Online ISSN: 2410-9991 | Print ISSN: 2518-0169)

Scopus Indexation


My name is Sara Lim, and I am the editorial assistant for Journal of Education and e-Learning Research (Online ISSN: 2410-9991 | Print ISSN: 2518-0169). Since the founding of this journal, I’m very proud of its rapid development and improvement especially the quality of the articles and efficiency of peer-reviews. Up to now, Journal of Education and e-Learning Research has been indexed in ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center, USA. ERIC is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and which is the largest database of education research. This database is a reliable source for educational research abstracts.

Other IndexationScopus, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), RePEc, IDEAS, CNKI Scholar, EconPapers, China Academic Journals Full-text Database, China Century Journals Full-text Database (Archive), China National Scientific Reports Database, China Citations Database, Scilit, JournalTOCs, DOI, Crossref, Google Scholar, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB, LOCKSS, PKP Open Archives Harvester

Now we are seeking submissions for Vol. 10, No. 3, 2023. I would like to personally invite you to submit your unpublished manuscripts to our journal. The journal accepts article by online submissions  or  e-mail attachment: . You may see the journal’s profile at


It is appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.


Best Regards,


Sara Lim

Editorial Assistant

Journal of Education and e-Learning Research


Asian Online Journal Publishing Group                                                 



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