Monday, September 25, 2023

SJRQ1/WOS-Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (HSSC)-Springer-APC OA USD 1590.00-8,000 words +

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

We do not impose strict word length limits, but request that Articles should be no more than approximately 8000 words (excluding abstract, tables, figure legends and references).


5. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Impact factor: 2.731, CiteScore: 0.6, Author Satisfaction: 81%, Median time from submission to first decision: N/A, Open Access, APC: EUR 1240.00 | GBP 1140.00 | USD 1590.00)

I recommend you consider submitting your paper to Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (, an open access journal published by Springer Nature that publishes research across all areas of the humanities, and social and behavioural sciences, including relevant interdisciplinary research arising in, or informed by, the physical, life, clinical and environmental sciences. The journal recently received its first impact factor of 2.7, and is indexed in Scopus, Pubmed and Web of Science (Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index). Please note that from January 2015 until June 2020, this journal operated as Palgrave Communications.
The journal welcomes submissions for its general section as well as themed collections (see calls for papers here:
The journal strives for rapid peer review and the editors will assess your manuscript’s suitability for peer review within approximately ten working days. Please note that to publish open access authors are required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). Further details on how to identify open access funding can be found at:

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