Friday, May 3, 2024

SJRQ1/WOS-International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (IJETHE)-Free-Mauritius-Springer-8,000 words-APA

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

The journal in May 2023 was moved from Q3 to Q1. It is also now in WOS. 


How to publish in this journal

The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education is associated with:

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

9 days to first decision for all manuscripts (Median)
54 days to first decision for reviewed manuscripts only (Median)

Fees and funding

Article-processing charges

The publication costs for International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education are covered by the journal, so authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge.

Aims and scope

This journal aims to: facilitate the dissemination of critical scholarly works and exchange of information from a variety of cultural perspectives for researchers, professionals and practitioners in the technology enhanced and digital learning fields in higher education; contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding the human and personal approach to the use of technology in higher education; and inform readers about the latest developments in the application of digital technologies in higher education learning, training, research and management.


Josep M. DuartUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain  (Coordinator)

Álvaro GalvisUniversidad de los Andes, Colombia

Mairéad Nic Giolla MhichílDublin City University, Ireland

Managing Editor

Elsa CorominasUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain

Authors should aim to be as succinct as possible in their writing. While International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education does not impose a strict word count on articles, Research articles should be between 4,500 and 8,000 words.


Examples of the American Psychological Association (APA) reference style are shown below. For further guidance, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and the respective web site of the Association (

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All the metadata have been provided by Scopus /Elsevier in their last update sent to SCImago, including the Coverage’s period data. The SJR for 2020 was released on 17 May 2021. We suggest you consult the Scopus database directly to see the current index status as SJR is a static image of Scopus, which is changing every day.
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