Monday, February 3, 2025

WOS only-Not SJR/Scopus-Operations and Supply Chain Management An International Journal (OSCM)-Indonesia-8,000 words/30 pages/APC???

  1. Authors are encouraged but not required to provide a cover letter for their manuscript. In the cover letter, authors may include a statement that the paper is an original contribution and is not under consideration in other journal. Statement of funding may also be included.
  2. A separate page of the paper should include a title, the names, affiliations, addresses, and e-mails of the authors, an abstract summarizing the content of the paper of no more than 250 words, and 3 – 6 keywords. The body of the paper should be anonymous and provides no attributes of authors’ identity.
  3. The length of the manuscript should be less than 8000 words or 30 pages.
Publication Fee This journal has been set free for 12 years. From 2020 we charge authors publication fees under different scheme. Fee waiver is available for different reasons. Papers submitted after presented in OSCM Conference is not charged publication fee.a

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Professor Nyoman Pujawan
Department of Industrial Engineering
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya – Indonesia

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