ON 13 AUGUST 2022 THE ME WEB SITE FROM Caddo Gap Press IS SHOWING A Q2 SJR RANKING BUT ON THE SAME DAY IF YOU GO TO SJR, THEY ARE SHOWING A Q3 RANKING. https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=145057&tip=sid&clean=0
The email researchpublication46@gmail.com is also being used for submission solicitations for Multicultural Education.
This is a highly sophisticated scam coming at you from multiple directions as the real journal has been hijacked, including the ISSN and the use of a screen capture of an older SJR ranking score. Let me try to explain.
First, here is a screen capture sent to a Thai doctoral student in June 2021.
1. Updated: 2022.06.18
There are 5 journals I have found that use the words “Multicultural Education” in their journal’s title.
please avoid this linked publication
the original journal website is
The number paper published in http://ijdri.com/me/ is totally different from the https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/145057#tabs=2
Please 2020 published 16 (based on Scopus database) and refer to http://ijdri.com/me/ more than 100 paper.
I think please avoid this journal. Please double check on the website vs Scopus database. Totally different.
Journal Information Link:
3145 Geary Boulevard, PMB 275
San Francisco, CA 94118 U.S.A.
Telephone: 415 / 666-3012
Email: info@caddogap.com
Alan H. Jones, Publisher, alanhjones@caddogap.com
Heather L. Hazuka, Associate Publisher, hlhazuka@caddogap.com
2. Three of these journals are presently ranked Q1 or Q2 and are legitimate.
3. The 4th journal has been hijacked. They have taken the old 2019 SJR quartile ranking (Q3) and pasted it into their home page. They are also using the same ISSN number as the legitimate site. I guess they are unaware or too stupid to realize that the site they have hijacked has risen to SJRQ2. Very sloppy.
1. Note: Journal for Multicultural Education is SJRQ1 (2053535X, 20535368)
2. Note: International Journal of Multicultural Education is SJRQ1 (1934-5267)
Sponsored & published by Yonsei University (The Institute for Educational Research) Founded by Eastern University (PhD in Organizational Leadership)
3. Note: Multicultural Education is SJRQ2 (10683844)
Editors: Alan H. Jones & Heather L. Hazuka, Caddo Gap Press.
4. Hijacked site: Multicultural Education (ISSN: 10683844)
International Journal Documentation & Research Institute (IJDRI).
Date: Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Submission Open for MultiCultural Education (SCOPUS Q2)
Caddo Gap Press, San Francisco, CA 94118 U.S.A
(Open access publishing)
Dear author,
The Multicultural Education is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal that is hosted and published by the Caddo Gap Press, USA. The Multicultural Education welcomes the submission of articles related to the scope of journal.
- Scopus (2018) Q2
- EconLit / JEL – American Economic Association (2009)
- Business Source Corporate – EBSCO Publishing (2010)
- ProQuest (2013)
- Directory of Open Access Journals / DOAJ (2009)
- Business Source Complete – EBSCO Publishing (2010)
- Guide to Social Sciences and Religion in Periodical Literature (2009)
- Index Islamicus (2009)
- International Abstracts in Operations Research – IAOR (2009)
- Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities (2011)
- Ulrich’s Directory (2009)
Authors can only submit the paper through online system: https://mc-caddogap.
Please visit https://mc-caddogap.com/
Article Processing Charges (APC): 500 USD
The process of publication:
- After receiving the manuscript/ paper, an author will get an acknowledgement email along with a tracking id.
- Manuscript/ paper will be checked through a plagiarism checker.
- After that manuscript/ paper will be sent for peer review.
- Based on the peer review report, the editor will make a decision to accept or reject the paper or the editor can take the decision of re-submission of Manuscript/ Paper after suggested changes.
- After this step, if Manuscript/ paper will be accepted then the author will receive an acceptance of paper.
- Multicultural Education publishes online as well as print versions.
Editorial Office
Multicultural Education
Caddo Gap Press,
3145 Geary Boulevard, PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118 U.S.A.
Phone / WhatsApp: +1-213-529-6589
web: http://www.mc-caddogap.com/
UPDATE 2022.09.13
We tell you the address http://ijdri.com/me/ is FAKE, don't get stuck. Original address is Original URL of journal is http://www.caddogap.com/
Journal Information Link:
3145 Geary Boulevard, PMB 275
San Francisco, CA 94118 U.S.A.
Telephone: 415 / 666-3012
Email: info@caddogap.com
Alan H. Jones, Publisher, alanhjones@caddogap.com
Heather L. Hazuka, Associate Publisher, hlhazuka@caddogap.com
Journal Information Link:
3145 Geary Boulevard, PMB 275
San Francisco, CA 94118 U.S.A.
Telephone: 415/666-3012
Email: info@caddogap.com
Alan H. Jones, Publisher, alanhjones@caddogap.com
Heather L. Hazuka, Associate Publisher, hlhazuka@caddogap.com