Monday, September 5, 2022

Scopus Discontinued-PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology (JAE)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Journal Name: PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology

Short name: JAE

ubject Area and Category: Today JAE is a multi-disciplinary journal which for the past two years has taken anything from anywhere although the web site in 2021 still details how to prepare your paper’s discussion about mummies.

Country: Holland, Malaysia, Indonesia-hard to tell.

Review date: 2021.04.24 Updated: 2021.06.17 Updated: 2021.08.11 Updated: 2021.10.14 Updated: 2022.01.23

SJR Quartile: SJRQ3 - As of January 2022, this journal was still listed as 'active' in the Scopus sources list. 

ISSN: 1567-214X

Publisher:  Invoicing - See below comments.

Contact Email:

APC: The APC was $700. In 2020, it increased to $735. 

Editor(s): Both the editor and associate editor are listed as Thai scholars who had positions in US and Vietnam universities, with nine other Thais on the editorial board according to JAE’s website. The Associate Editor of The Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology is stated to be Prof. Dr. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert, a Thai academic currently working in a Chinese university. Professor Kittisak Jermsittiparsert holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Kasetsart University, Thailand. He is currently a Full-Professor of Public Administration at MBA School, Henan University of Economics and Law, China and the Secretary General of the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University, Thailand. His areas of expertise are Political Science, Public and Private Management, International Political Economy, and Social Research. He is also listed as the Editor-in-Chief of the recently Scopus removed Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica as well. Before that, he was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (IJECSE-Turkey). This man’s areas of expertise are boundless, from Thailand to Turkey to Argentina to Egypt to Vietnam to China! Finally, given the fact that an additional nine Thais also hold editorial board positions, we would conclude that Thais have a lot of experience with mummies…

Beall Listed: No.

Scopus Discontinued List: I reviewed the January 2022 Scopus Source List and this journal was still listed as 'active'. 

Frequency: Ongoing.

Template: Yes

Style: Stated to be APA.

Copyright: Yes

Similarity threshold: Try to keep your Turnitin score below 20%.

Submission process: email

Journal Web Page Comments:

AJR comments:  Don’t let the name fool you, because this journal accepts a very broad range of papers, usually with 100s of papers in each issue. We guess we can now say the journal has transitioned itself into a ‘multidisciplinary’ journal. Moreover, according to their web site: “Submissions are accepted on all social sciences and humanities domain and related areas.” However, the web site author guidelines are still talking about how to present your paper about mummies.

However, invoices can be paid to accounts in either Malaysia, Indonesia, or through PayPal. Letters at one point were being signed by a Dutch academic whose email is now bounced back to the sender. JAE’s previous invoice information included an address in India and a different PayPal email. Are you confused yet? It is also interesting to note invoices beginning in 2020 came from the notorious Malaysian Intellectual Edge Consultancy SDN Bhd., which markets conferences under the brand International Conference on Sciences, Technology, and Social Sciences (ICSTSS). Later in 2021, payment links for $735 USD were being sent to authors to pay a paypal account under the name Muhammad Haseeb. This quickly changed again to another PayPal account under the name of:

Emails to students also state they want excellent English editing, as well as APA style use. Emails in 2020 also state that Turnitin scores must be 20% or less. Expensive for a Q3 journal but papers are published fast! Join the party while it lasts…

Sample papers:

It seems correctly spelling a country's name (LOAS) is not important for this journal:

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