Friday, February 11, 2022

SJRQ3-Corporate Reputation Review (CRR)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Corporate Reputation Review


How to publish in this journal

13633589, 14791889

Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.

Type of submissions

Submissions of the following types are accepted for review in the Journal:

  • Academic research (6,000-12,000 words)
  • Book reviews (500-1000 words)

Address for submissions

Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system.

Review procedure

All submitted manuscript will be registered under a number. During the entire review process and accompanying correspondence the number of the manuscript will be used. If submissions do not meet the criteria and standards of CRR, the manuscript will be rejected at the outset. Otherwise, submissions will be put out for review.

The journal uses the Chicago-based reference style is used in the humanities based on the specifications given in the Chicago Manual of Style.

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