Sunday, February 27, 2022

WOS-Science and Innovation


From January 2021, the journal is published in English as “Science and Innovation” (ISSN 2409-9066 (print) ISSN 2413-4996 (online)

APC: 500 Euros

Article components to upload:

  1. The manuscript of the article (full version in Ukrainian and English: authors, ORCID, institution, title of the article, abstract and keywords; text of the article; bibliography in Ukrainian and English languages; figures and captions for them). The file name must be in Latin letters <surname of the first author_full>.
  2. The manuscript of the article for review (without specifying the authors and the institution). File name <review>.
  3. If the article is submitted in English, a translation of the article into Ukrainian (technical translation) must be attached to the manuscript. File name <surname of the first author_translation>.
  4. Figures. The file name must match the ordinal numbering of the figures <surname of the first author_Fig_1>.
  5. License agreement for the use of the work signed by all co-authors (License Agreement form PDF). The license agreement enters into force upon acceptance of the article for publication. The signing of the license agreement by the author(s) means that they are familiar with and agree to the terms of the agreement.
  6. Information about each of the authors: surname, first name, patronymic in full, position, place of work, academic title, scientific degree, contact information (phone, e-mail address), ORCID code (required).

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