Friday, August 5, 2022

SJRQ3-Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences (JETS)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

ISSN: 23375779

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

 Manuscript in MS Word or PDF format (generated from MS Word) is to be submitted online through The length of manuscript is expected not to exceed 15 printed pages (single space) including abstract, figures, tables and references. An abstract between 100 and 200 words describes the significance of manuscript should be included. The authors should supply 5-10 keyword or phrases that characterizes their manuscript. Use 11 pt Times New Roman fonts for body of the text with 1.0 line spacing between lines. The references should be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance and should be complete, including authors’ initials, the title of the paper, the date, page numbers, and the name of the sponsoring society. Please compiles references as shown in the examples below. FFigures are printed in black & white, while color figures are only available online. Therefore, the choice of colors should be ensured that it will be clear when those are printed in black and white. Adjust the size of figures and tables as they will be appeared. All figure captions should be legible, minimum 8 point type. For all equations, use either Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType add-on. Equations are numbered consecutively in parenthesis, e.g. (1), and set at the right margin.

  1. Manuscript template for Review Version can be downloaded here.
  2. Manuscript template for Accepted Version can be downloaded here.
  3. Template of how to respond the reviewer's comments can be downloaded here.

10. Author Fee

OLD: Author whose paper is accepted for publication in Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences is subjected to pay 150 USD per article up to 15 pages.

NEW: Author whose paper is accepted for publication in Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, starting from 1 June 2022,  is subjected to pay 300 USD per article up to 15 pages. If the paper is longer than 15 pages, each additional page will be charged at 20 USD per page.


TEMPLATE: The maximum length of article is 15 pages, including all pictures, tables, nomenclature, references, etc.

11. References

Title in Odd Page Header

Shorten the title of paper to a maximum of 50 characters from the full title to appears in every header of odd pages, use 11 pt size Calibri font


[1] Sutasurya, L.A. & Riyanto, B., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, 8(1), pp. 20-25, Dec. 2005. (Journal)

[2] Sutasurya, L.A., Handojo, A. & Riyanto, B., Title of book, ed. 2, Publisher, 2007. (Book)

[3] Williams, J., Name of Paper, Name of Book, Name of the editor(s), eds., Publisher, pp. 67-69, 2006. (Book with paper title and editor)

[4] Suharto (ed), Title of Paper, Name of Proc., pp. 5-10, 2008. (Conference Proceedings)

[5] Name of the author(s), Title of paper (if available), Organization, URL Link, (1 April 2011). (URL Link)

[6] Nicole, R., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, submitted for publication. (Pending publication)

[7] John, K., Title of Paper, unpublished. (Unpublished manuscript)

[8] Rashid, L., Title of Dissertation, PhD dissertation, Name of Dept., Name of Univ., City, 2010. (Thesis or Dissertation)

[9] Jenny, P., Name of Institution, City, personal communication, 2010. (Personal communication)

[10] Name of the author(s), Title of Technical Report, Technical Report TR-0334 (34-56), Name of Institution, City, Dec. 2009. (Technical report with report number)

[11] Name of the author(s), Title of Paper in English, Name of Journal, 8(4), pp. 20-25, 2010. (Text in Indonesian and Abstract in English) (Use this if the references in other language than English).

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Distribution of Microplastics along Mai Khao Coastline, Phuket

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