Monday, August 15, 2022

SJRQ3-Journal of Intercultural Communication (JIC)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication.


How to publish in this journal

 Taylor and Francis Ltd.


Article Processing Charges (APC)

This journal's APC is $1000 (excl. VAT). JICC accepts 12-15 page articles. The journal will charge $90 per A4 page if more than 15 pages including references. This APC is valid for the current year 2022 and may be changed at the publisher's discretion.

Manuscript guidelines: Submissions are expected to be in English, with a preference for American English spelling. They should include an abstract of 100-150 words. They should have a maximum length of 8,000 words including abstract, citations, bibliography, and appendices (if any). For any questions, please contact Editorial Office at

  • Rapid Publication: JICC published three issues in a year (March, July, and November). Manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and authors receive a first decision within 21 days of submission; acceptance to publication occurs within 60 days.
No Thai authored papers.

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