Thursday, August 11, 2022


SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

A platform to speed up publishing

Referring to the F1000Research publishing platform, launched in 2013 and acquired by Taylor and Francis in 2020, she said it provided a rapid publishing platform as well as researcher accessibility and reproducibility through an open data sharing policy.

“F1000 has an open data principle and researchers can publish in life sciences, medicine and physical sciences. It is dedicated to reducing research waste [by] publishing multiple article types, such as data notes, method articles and study protocols alongside original research,” she said.

For Babbit, F1000 aims to “rethink and evolve” the scholarly communication system, combining the benefits of pre-prints with a transparent open post-public peer review process.

Article submission is as quick as 14 days and all contributions undergo a thorough pre-publication check to ensure the research meets the threshold for requirements. Thereafter it undergoes a robust open peer review process by the F1000 peer review team. All comments and author responses are published on the platform and revisions are published, she said.

Sample Thai Papers:

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