Tuesday, August 29, 2023

SJRQ3-THE JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTION SCIENCE (JDS)-7,000 words-$750USD-many reviews required

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How to publish in this journal


17383110, 20937717

Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA)

[SCOPUS] Call for paper: Journal of Distribution Science (JDS)

Publication: Monthly

Submission: At all times

JDS publishes original research on issues in distribution economics and distribution management. JDS is an international peer-reviewed journal, which is devoted to contemporary issues in distribution economics, logistics & SCM, distribution information technology, distribution innovation, distribution strategy & competitiveness, distribution channel management, consumer shopping behavior, CRM, wholesaling & retailing, and social issues in distribution.

Topics of interest (but are not limited to): Research topics covered by the journal are focused on, but not limited to, distribution science, distribution management, distribution economics, logistics, SCM, distribution information technology, innovation in distribution, strategy and competitiveness of distribution channels, market development, materials and acquisition management, consumer shopping behavior, CRM, retail information management, manufacturing-wholesaling-retailing channel, social issues in distribution.

Authors are encouraged to include terminology related to distribution, such as distribution, retailing, wholesale, shops/outlets, online shopping, offline shopping, logistics, physical distribution, and delivery service, in the abstract, main body, and keywords. Authors should include numerous other terminology (e.g., private-labels, centralized buying, location strategy, store advertising, e-commerce, product returns, merchandising, balance-of-power, commercial zoning etc.) related to distribution management and retailing throughout the manuscript.

Types of Paper:

Regular Article: This should describe new and/or carefully investigated findings, and research methods should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. Articles should be 5,000 - 7,000 words long to describe and interpret the work clearly. All regular research articles are peer-reviewed by minimum 3 referees.

Short Communication: This short communication is suitable for reporting the results of small investigations or giving details of new models, innovative methods or techniques. The style of main sections doesn’t need to conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications should be usually 2,000 - 4,000 words long. Short communication articles are also peer-reviewed.

Review and Perspective: Submissions of review and perspective covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged.

Fees and Charges of Publication: 900,000 won (750 USD)

Online submission and for more information: www.jds.or.kr

Yours sincerely,

JDS Editorial Team

KODISA는 타 학회와 운영시스템이 다르므로, "학회소개" 부분을 필히 숙지바라며특히, KODISA (http://kodisajournals.org)소속 집행진은 누구든지 타인에게서 청탁이나 향응을 받지 않고 공명정대하게 일을 처리하므로 사사로운 개인친분을 이용한 청탁을 삼가해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 마지막으로 다수의 학술지로 인하여, 전화통화는 혼란과 업무지장을 초래하므로, 문의할 사항은 항상  각 학술지 편집책임자에게 Email로 주시면 신속히 답변드리겠습니다. 

​​[직영 학술지]: [1] 유통과학연구(The Journal of Distribution Science;JDS):  SCOPUS [2] 산경연구논집(The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business; JIDB): KCI ​[3] The Asian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE) : KCI   

[분과직영학술지]: [1] The East Asian Journal of Business Economics(EAJBE): KCI [2] The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management (JEMM).: KCI [3] 프랜차이즈경영연구(The Korean Journal of Franchise Management;KJFM): KCI. [4] 인공지능연구(Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence; KJAI): KCI. [5] 스포츠과학연구(Journal of Sport and Applied Science;JSAS): KCI. [6] 웰빙융합연구(The Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology ; JWMAP): KCI. [7] 식품보건융합연구 (The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence;KJFHC): KCI. [8] 연구윤리(The Journal of Research and Publication Ethics; JRPE): KCI. [9] 4차산업연구 (The Fourth Industrial Review : FIR) [10] 한류연구(Journal of Koreanology Reviews; JKR)


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