Friday, August 18, 2023

SJRQ2-Policy Futures in Education (PFE)-FREE-7,000 words-Harvard

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal.

1.2 Article Types

The journal publishes five kinds of submissions:

    • quality academic articles (generally 6-7000 words)
    • national and international policy reports (unspecified length)
    • policy research notes (2000 words maximum)
    • reviews (1000 words maximum)
    • interchanges (interviews, right of reply etc.)

The Editors are interested, in particular, in themed issues

Policy Futures in Education adheres to the Sage Harvard reference style. View the Sage Harvard guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

Policy Futures in Education is an international peer reviewed journal which aims to be the leading inter-disciplinary journal in the field of policy in all areas related to education. The journal welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines underpinning policy studies, including Western, non-Western and indigenous perspectives of local and global policy. The journal publishes original research, contemporary debates, issues and interviews, new cutting-edge theoretical policy frameworks and outlooks and reviews of relevant books. The papers published in this journal represent rigorous research and scholarship and aim to lead up-coming and contemporary thought and thinkers in the field.

1 of 4: Evaluating a structural change in teacher college timetable as a post-COVID-19 response

L Biberman-Shalev, O Broza, N Chamo, S Govrin… - Policy Futures in Education, 2023
The study aims to explore the extent of satisfaction of 76 teacher educators (TEs)
and 553 student teachers (STs) with new blended learning (BL) curricular-structural
change titled “1 of 4.” Quantitative analysis revealed that both the TEs and the STs …

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