Sunday, June 16, 2024


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

On Beall List


 Author(s) information

The manuscript should include on the first page:

– Full author(s) names
– Complete affiliation names and addresses
– E-mail addresses for all authors
– Contact author (if available)

Author(s) information should not be available anywhere else in the paper. Do not include author information in the header/footer of the paper.


Use the word “Abstract” as the title for the abstract section. The abstract should be no more than 250 words. It should capture research motivation, research design/methodology, and main findings and implications. The abstract should provide an excellent summary of the paper.

Keywords: 3-4 keywords that highlight the topic in the paper.

Referencing published research within text

References to previously published research studies must in Harvard style. Author(s) should make every effort to ensure completeness, accuracy and consistency of each reference.

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