Saturday, June 15, 2024

SJRQ3-Environmental and Social Management Journal (Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental)-Brazil-APA-$550USD-2 months

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal


Dear Researchers,

It is an honor to invite you to submit your research paper for our upcoming issue in 
Environmental and Social Management Journal (Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental e-ISSN: 1981-982X),, which is known for its Scopus indexed journal.

The Environmental and Social Management Journal (Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental e-ISSN: 1981-982X), is a scientific publication aiming to provoke discussion and dissemination of the social and environmental theme resulting from academic research. Its editorial line is grounded on issues relating to areas of social and environmental management and company policies.

The publication fee is 500 Euro, and Articles will be published within two months.

The articles must have a minimum of 14 and maximum of 17 pages, including tables, notes and references; 12 tnr font, single spaced.

Publication Fee

- This journal does not charge a submission fee;

- This journal charges the publication of articles (just accepted papers by blind review):

Publication fee: R$ 790,00 per article to be published (for Brazilians).

Publication fee: 550 usd per article to be published (for other nationalities).

Kind regards,

Editorial Team
Environmental and Social Management Journal
Scopus Link:

Scimago Link:

• The Editor may accept or decline the submitted article, according to the journal’s editorial policy; • The Editor may suggest alterations to the article related both to the content and compliance with writing and presentation standards set by the American Psychological Association (APA);

• The structured abstract must have a maximum of 250 words and highlight the objective, research method and main results; as well as the corresponding abstract, namely:

Purpose: describe the purpose of the study and research problem/question.

Theoretical framework: present the main theoretical bases that support the research.

Method: present the methodology used in the study, as well as the research techniques used.

Results and conclusion: present the main results and findings of the research.

Research implications: main managerial, academic and/or social contributions of the research.

Originality/value: describe the contribution of the study to the advancement of science in the area and/or socio-environmental management practices of organizations, aligned with the scope of RGSA.

Keywords: Minimum 4 and Maximum 6 keywords.

• The author(s) must choose four to six keywords, in both Portuguese and English, that indicate the work's content;


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