Sunday, February 26, 2023

SJRQ3-Strategic Design Research Journal (SDRJ)-Free-Brazil

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

The SDRJ is accepting submissions for its regular issues. Please, consult our guidelines page for detailed information.

Edu Jacques
Editorial Assistant of the Strategic Design Research Journal

Strategic Design Research Journal has no article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges.


You can find a template here.

Principal Contact

Edu Jacques
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • Paper should have a maximum of 6000 words, including tables, references, figure captions, and endnotes;
  • Title must have a maximum of 120 characters including spaces;
  • Abstract with no more than 20 lines, followed by at least three key-words;
  • Full text, typed in Cambria, font 10, and with spacing of 1,5 between lines;
  • Images, tables, charts and graphs must: a) be inserted in the text; b) have a good resolution; c) be accompanied by captions. Please follow the template.

 Thai papers:

SJRQ1-Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing (JPPW)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Review update: 2023.02.28

1. The journal is now publishing the paper PDFs online.
2. The journal is still active in Scopus.
3. The journal still lists 252 papers in process. This is a number which has not changed in
several years but papers are being published.

AThe January Scopus list shows this journal as still active. However, as mentioned below, there are serious problems after your paper is 'accepted' and your money is paid....

Journal of Positive

Active in the April 2022 Scopus list - Moved from Q2 to Q1! WOW

Psychology and Wellbeing

Warning (2022.March.02): Be very careful about sending any money to this journal. On the journal's website as of 2022.March.02 there 252 papers which they say they are being processed but are not posted yet. I paper accepted and paid for over a month ago is not on the this as well. 
Also, my attempt to retrieve any PDF from any paper was unsuccessful, as the links are not active.
This statement appears, but when I login, nothing happens:
Subscription required to access item. To verify subscription, log in to journal.
E-mails are also going unanswered concerning payment made and the status of the paper. 
Effectively, it seems everyone has gone home with no-one left to run the store. 

PUBLISHER: Gokmen Arslan

APC: $980USD

Style: APA 7th Edition
The average length of an article is approximately 7,500 words. Articles should be no shorter than 5,000 words and no longer than 10,000 words.

Turnitin Score: No more than 20%

Ajarn Charlie's comments:
This journal seems to be expanding the range of papers and topics it will accept. It is also quick with my last paper taking only five weeks from submission to acceptance. There were no revisions and the paper was accepted "as is".

The Importance of Sharing, Caring and Collaboration in Thai Teacher Competency Development through Online Professional Learning Communities

Thursday, February 23, 2023

SJRQ4-BiLD Law Journal (BILD) - Bangladesh - $800USD

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

  • Email:
  • Website:
The article processing charges for Open Access publication is 800 USD.

[PDF] Government Agency Innovation Performance Review in Thailand

S Phromlert, A Saengnoree, T Teerawatananond - BiLD Law Journal, 2023
This article's objective is to review concepts and theory of organizational culture,
knowledge management, and innovation capabilities on government agency
innovation performance in Thailand. The qualitative approach was used to collect …

[PDF] The Study of Innovation Development Concepts: A Case Police Innovation Performance in Thailand

K Jaruprat, A Saengnoree, T Teerawatananond - BiLD Law Journal, 2023
Innovation is what drives development because something new is built to work. The
police are one bureaucratic organization that is needed to use innovation to
maintain order in an increasingly complex society. The factors affected to police …


Monday, February 20, 2023

SJRQ3-International Journal of Services, Economics and Management-Swiss/Inderscience

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal


An original article would normally consist of 5000-7000 words (excluding figures, tables and references), although high-quality articles which exceed 7000 words will be considered.

All articles must be written in English, using UK spelling and terminology. The text and English language in new and revised articles must be checked, edited and corrected by the authors, preferably with the help of a native English speaker.

Submissions may be formatted in single or double spacing, preferably in Times New Roman size 12 font. All accepted articles will be correctly formatted for publication.


Friday, February 10, 2023

SJRQ4-Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

Research Publication

Dear Authors.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your valuable manuscript to the Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities (eISSN: 2589-7799).

The purpose of this special issue is to educate the cognizance and excavate the intellect of the humanistic relationship in the rehabilitation sciences. We encourage the researcher to publish work that reflects and analyzes the physical, cognitive, emotional, socio-cultural, spiritual and political elements that consist of humanism in the rehabilitation, as well as provide a place for learned dialogue on areas that emphasis on rehabilitation from the inimitably anthropoid perception that patients and sources share. We also seek to analytically observe the social-cultural conventions sustaining convalescence.

Papers will be published within one month and the Publication fee is 650 Euros. Please submit your paper for the review process through

Sincere Regards,

Editorial Team
Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities
Journal Website:
Scimagojr link:
Scopus :


Not SCOPUS-International Seven Journal of Multidisciplinary (ISJM)


Seven Publicações Ltda, registered with CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14. It has an open submission process for the International Seven Journal of Multidisciplinary (ISJM), ISSN: 2764-9547.

All articles submitted and accepted for publication, are PUBLISHED in their original language and translated into English.

This journal is indexed in several national and international databases, such as (Latindex, Google Scholar, CiteFactor, among others). We are in process at SCOPUS and Web Of Science.

As Seven Publicações is an independent company, we charge a maintenance fee which is currently R$300.00 (three hundred reais). We emphasize that no amount is charged during the article submission process, the amount will be requested after sending the formal acceptance.

discount policies

Post Doctors and Professors have a 20% discount on the total fee.

Finally, if you are interested in continuing the publication process, just reply to this email.
In case of doubts, do not hesitate to contact us!

WhatsApp: +55 41 8836-2677.

Yours sincerely;
Nathan Albano Valente

SJRQ4-HIV Nursing-450 Euro

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Dear Authors.


We are pleased to invite you to submit you valuable manuscript to the journal of HIV Nursing. HIV Nursing has been developed as a forum for those at the forefront of caring for people affected by HIV. This peer-reviewed journal is supported by a highly respected Editorial Board drawn from a wide range of nursing specialties. This is further strengthened by an Advisory Panel, whose members make regular contributions to the journal.  ISSN: 1474-7359

HIV Nursing is intended to provide a medium for communication on issues relating to HIV care, which will be run by the care professionals for those involved in the day-to-day matters affecting the lives of patients.
HIV Nursing is listed in the CINAHL, Elsevier, Scopus, Thomson Gale, Mosby Year Book, Embase, Cabell’s, INANE and EMNursing databases.

The papers will be published within One month and the Publication fee is 450 Euros.

Sincere Regards,

Editorial Team
HIV Nursing
Journal Website:
Scimagojr link:


Not SCOPUS-International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research (IJAEMR)

 Dear Author,


International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research (ISSN 2456-3676) are happy to invite you to submit your next article of your research/review/study in any engineering, management, technology, science, economics, and social science research area for publication in current issue.


IJAEMR Inviting quality research papers for Volume 7, Issue 1, 2023

Manuscript/Paper Submission Guidelines:

·   Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in (MS Word. Format) through the e-mail to the editor at:

·   Visit Author Guidelines  for more detail.

·   Paper Submission deadline: Feb.20, 2023

·   Publication Charges:  $ 75 USD

Kindly forward this e-mail to your group of Friends/Students/ Colleagues/Associates/Fellow Researchers, who may benefit out of this.


Thank you, 

Best Regards


ISSN: 2456-3676

Published by: Alicon Publications 

(International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research)


Journal Website: IJAEMR 

SJRQ1-International Journal of Multicultural Education (IJME)-Free-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Friday, February 3, 2023

Not SCOPUS-American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Review (AJMRR)

 American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Review (AJMRR)


Dear Sir/Madam,

The American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Review (AJMRR)  is an International premier peer reviewed open access Multidisciplinary Research  journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic and transitional knowledge in Humanities, Social science, Engineering, Medical, Pharmacy and related disciplines. We aim to revolutionize industry by promoting legitimate and effective research.

We welcome original research articles/manuscripts as long as their research questions are important, new, and relevant to general readers and their designs are appropriate and robust.  


Frequency 12 Issue per year 

AJMRR is an Online Journal Publishes Every Month

Important date of  Februray 2023 Issue:

Last Date of Submission:February 102023

Acceptance Notification: within 4-5 days after submission

(Fastest – Online Peer Review via EMS System)

Publication (Online): within 2 days after registration 

We are pleased to consider submitted articles for following categories:

      Original Research

      Thesis Analysis

      Research Methods and Reporting

      Literature Review

      Technical Reports 

For information about Journal scope, review process, publication charges and policies please visit:

Please submit your article using Online Submission System.

You can submit your paper through following link:

You are requested to circulate this message among your colleagues. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to Contact Us.


Kind Regards, 


AJMRR Publication

Mail id: