Sunday, March 26, 2023

SJRQ/WOS-Studying Teacher Education (STE)-$3,175USD

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Follow the APA manual for punctuation. Articles containing numerous APA style errors will be returned for improvement.

Standard article publishing charge (APC)
USD 3175

A typical paper for this journal should be between 6000 and 9000 words, inclusive of:

  • References

Word templates are available for this journal. Please save the template to your hard drive, ready for use.


Please use this reference style when preparing your paper. An EndNote output style is also available to assist you.

SJRQ2/WOS-Studies in Continuing Education (SCE)-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

You will be asked to pay an article publishing charge (APC) to make your article open access and this cost can often be covered by your institution or funder. Use our APC finder to view the APC for this journal.

Word Limits

Please include a word count for your paper.

A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 8000 words, inclusive of:

  • Tables
  • References
  • Figure or table captions
  • Footnotes
  • Endnotes

Style Guidelines

Please refer to these quick style guidelines when preparing your paper, rather than any published articles or a sample copy.

Please use British (-ise) spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript.

Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’.

Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.

Formatting and Templates

Papers may be submitted in Word or LaTeX formats. Figures should be saved separately from the text. To assist you in preparing your paper, we provide formatting template(s).

Word templates are available for this journal. Please save the template to your hard drive, ready for use.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

SJRQ2-World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE)-Prepay (18,000 baht)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank



How to publish in this journal

The publisher’s policy is that full publication payment must accompany the submission of the article. This amount will be credited to the first author’s account maintained by the publisher. If the article is not accepted for publication, the payment will be refunded in full. Once your article is accepted for publication, our processes are highly efficient and the dedicated WIETE team can ensure that your article is published in approximately 6-8 weeks from the deadline for submissions.

Submitted articles should not exceed six (6) pages in total, including the title page and must be arranged as A4 size (210mm x 297mm). Every submitted article of six (6) or fewer pages will attract a fee of $AUD800. Each additional page will attract a page levy of $AUD150.,%20No.1%20(2023)/06-Amnuaysin-O.pdf


Step 2:

You may like to send your paper in its present form to me for a preliminary assessment. A kit for authors is being sent based on this assessment.


Kindest regards


Zenon J. Pudlowski

Saturday, March 18, 2023

SJRQ2-Public Health in Practice-$1700

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

$1275 (standard fee: $1700)

Article Publishing Charge for open access

*This discount is valid for all authors who wish to publish open access and submit their article by 31 July 2023

Saliva and wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 during school reopening amid COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

SJRQ3-International Energy Journal (IEJ)-Thailand-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Editor, Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul
Assistant Editor, Maria Kathrina B. Gratuito

Published by:

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change
School of Environment, Resources and Development
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-524-6216; 524-54143
Fax: +66-2-524-5439

ISSN: 1513-718X
Imprint: RERIC
Commenced Publication: 1979
Publisher: RERIC, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Review Method:
Average number of days to decision (2021): 167
Audience: Energy researchers, professionals, planners, policy makers, members of the academe and energy supply sector.

D. Contributions may take form of a standard research paper of 6000-8000 words (should not be more than 10 pages from title to appendix) in length, with tables, illustrations, and references.

  1. Requirement for new paper submissions 11: The authors agree to the JOURNAL PUBLICATION POLICY: All accepted peer-reviewed papers will be asked to pay a minimal processing fee amounting to 10,000 THB per paper. Only accepted and paid papers will be published. The corresponding author must indicate his/her agreement to the new policy before the paper can proceed to the review process.

If you are interested to submit your paper, CLICK HERE

Please read carefully the AUTHOR GUIDELINES before submitting.


Monday, March 13, 2023

SJRQ3-Journal of Education and e-Learning Research

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 

(Online ISSN: 2410-9991 | Print ISSN: 2518-0169)

Scopus Indexation


My name is Sara Lim, and I am the editorial assistant for Journal of Education and e-Learning Research (Online ISSN: 2410-9991 | Print ISSN: 2518-0169). Since the founding of this journal, I’m very proud of its rapid development and improvement especially the quality of the articles and efficiency of peer-reviews. Up to now, Journal of Education and e-Learning Research has been indexed in ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center, USA. ERIC is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and which is the largest database of education research. This database is a reliable source for educational research abstracts.

Other IndexationScopus, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), RePEc, IDEAS, CNKI Scholar, EconPapers, China Academic Journals Full-text Database, China Century Journals Full-text Database (Archive), China National Scientific Reports Database, China Citations Database, Scilit, JournalTOCs, DOI, Crossref, Google Scholar, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB, LOCKSS, PKP Open Archives Harvester

Now we are seeking submissions for Vol. 10, No. 3, 2023. I would like to personally invite you to submit your unpublished manuscripts to our journal. The journal accepts article by online submissions  or  e-mail attachment: . You may see the journal’s profile at


It is appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.


Best Regards,


Sara Lim

Editorial Assistant

Journal of Education and e-Learning Research


Asian Online Journal Publishing Group                                                 



SJRQ4-Journal of Semiconductor Optoelectronics/Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics-China-450 euro

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Dear Authors.

 We are pleased to invite you for submission of your valuable manuscript to the Journal of Semiconductor Optoelectronics (ISSN: 1001-5868).


Journal of Semiconductor Engineering is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. We are committed to provide prompt and accurate evaluation of submitted articles. To maintain the high standard of the journal, each article should go through a rigorous review process to check if it benefits the research community. The originality and impact on the community will be the main consideration to determine the quality of the papers and the publication decisions.


Area of Research - Arts, Commerce, Science, Education, Management. You can submit your article for the review process through this email address


The papers will be published within twenty (30) days and the Publication fee is 450 Euros.


Sincere Regards,



Editorial Team

Semiconductor Optoelectronics


Journal Website:

Scopus link:

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

SJRQ4-International Journal of Professional Business Review (JBR)-$500USD

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 8 Thai author papers

Article Publication (accepted papers): 500.00 (USD)

[PDF] The Relationships Between Technology Adoption, HR Competencies, and HR Analytics of Large-Size Enterprises

S Penpokai, S Vuthisopon, A Saengnoree - International Journal of Professional …, 2023
Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the organizational construct that have
relationship to HR Analytics in large-size organizations that operate their businesses
in Thailand. Theoretical framework: Technology Adoption and HR Competencies …

Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review (e-ISSN: 2525-3654)


Number of the company L22000259354

1191 E Newport Center Dr. #103
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 - Florida
United States of America

World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality


6th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality
Abstract submission deadline
16 June 2023
Submit your abstract here
Supporting publications
journalhospitalitymanagement journalhospitalitytourism
journaltourismleisuresport journaltourismmanagement

Prepare to present your research

Dear Colleague,

We are very excited to bring you back to the World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality face to face, to the beautiful UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management in the Sunshine State of Florida!

The World Research Summit provides an interactive, dynamic, and shared international conference platform for global academics and practitioners to discuss how to enhance research applications and knowledge management through resilience, adaptability, digital intelligence, innovation, and smart knowledge in shifting economies of scale.

This summit also offers unique opportunities to unfold and embrace Resilience, Recovery, and Reshaping in the hospitality and tourism industry with various stakeholders, including academic researchers, industry professionals and government officials, through dialogues on how to better utilize research outputs for the benefits of the industry in an intelligent, innovative and digital way.

Please join us to be a part of this dynamic international platform where the most recent, state-of-the-art, academic research applications of changing global economy will be shared and discussed. The Summit intends to showcase all aspects and the broadest range of the hospitality and tourism research and welcomes abstracts from various areas.

Submit your abstract!

Abstracts are now invited on the topics listed on our website and can be submitted via the online abstract submission system. Deadline: 16 June 2023

We look forward to receiving your abstract. 

Kind regards,

Conference Chair 

Youcheng Wang
William Peeper Preeminent Chair Professor & Dean
Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida

Conference Academic Program Co-Chairs

Murat Kizildag
Associate Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Xiaoxiao Fu
Associate Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA

Thursday, March 2, 2023

SJRQ2/WOS-World Economy and International Relations-Russian Federation-Free

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

 Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (RSCI and ESCI)

The volume of the article should not exceed one liter. (40 thousand signs, including spaces).

Article structure


Formatting of footnotes or a list of references
