Sunday, August 11, 2024

SJRQ2/WOS-Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITEIIP)-$75-APA

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

journal was Q2, dropped to Q3 in 2024.

Utilizing Design Thinking to Create Digital Self-Directed Learning Environment for Enhancing Digital Literacy in Thai Higher Education

Sriwisathiyakun - … of Information Technology Education: Innovations in …, 2023
Aim/Purpose To explore the effectiveness of utilizing the design thinking approach in
developing digital self-directed learning environment to enhance digital literacy
skills in Thai higher education. Background To foster digital literacy skills in higher …


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Publication Fees. No Charge for Article Submission and no charge for publication for ISI members.

Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITE:IIP) is a publication of the Informing Science Institute (ISI), and so does not charge for submitting papers to the journal.  ISI members pay no publication fee for accepted papers published during their membership. ISI annual, five-year, and lifetime membership fees can be found at

Non-members can join once their paper is accepted to avoid paying an article publication charge (APC) or pay a small APC, currently 75 USD, which is the same amount as basic membership. This fee allows ISI to provide readers with free access to papers.

Papers that have been approved for publication after review must be formatted camera-ready prior to final acceptance.  We prefer that authors do their own formatting.  But we provide a formatting service (currently $100 USD) as an option. 

Typically, within three weeks from when you submit your paper, the Editor-in-Chief Tian Luo and Dr Kathryn MacCallum will conduct a desk review for suitability and the paper review system will contact the corresponding author with news of whether or not the submission will be advanced to the first round of reviews (or is being rejected as not suitable for publication in the journal). (If you do not hear from the Editor-in-Chief Tian Luo and Dr Kathryn MacCallum in a month, feel free to contact Tian Luo and Dr Kathryn MacCallum at; Recognize that these suggested timeframes may be unattainable when the Editor-in-Chief has higher priority work constraints.

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