Saturday, August 24, 2024

WOS-International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE)-FREE-APA-No word limit-6 month review

 The IJTE is affiliated with the International Society for Technology, Education, and Science (ISTES)

There is no publication fee in the IJTE.

If the submission passes the initial review, then the blind review takes about 6 months.

The final author versions of the papers should be proofread in terms of language and APA style. If any paper does not meet the language and/or APA style standards at any level of review or publication process, then it will be rejected.

The template is not mandatory for articles submitted for review. The template can be used for accepted papers.

Although there is no specific word limit for manuscripts, authors are encouraged to write concisely. A submission should be min. 10 pages in length.

Page Setup

  • Please use margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch).
  • Please use A-4 page size.
  • Please use font style as Times New Roman.

Title Page

  • Please use 14-point bold for your article title, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. Please margin the article title to the center.  
  • All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, and ORCID information on the manuscript. One author should be identified as the Corresponding Author. 
  • An informative 10-point bold abstract (150 to 200 words) presenting the main points of the paper and conclusions.
  • Please include descriptive keywords (3 to 5). Capitalize the first letter of each keyword (e.g., Science education, Survey development).

Main Text

  • Please use 10-point font size.
  • Please margin the text to the justified.
  • Manuscripts should be 1.5 times spaced.
  • Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted. All relevant information should be included in main text.
  • Do not indent paragraphs; leave a space of one line between consecutive paragraphs.
  • Do not underline words for emphasis. Use italics instead.
  • Both numbered lists and bulleted lists can be used if necessary.
  • Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that every in-text citation has a corresponding reference in the reference list. Conversely, ensure that every entry in the reference list has a corresponding in-text citation.


  • Subdivide text into unnumbered sections, using short, meaningful sub-headings. Please do not use numbered headings.
  • Please limit heading use to three levels.
  • Please use 12-point bold for first-level headings, 10-point bold for second-level headings, and 10-point italics for third -level headings with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
  • Leave one blank line before and after each heading (Exception: leave one line between consecutive headings.)
  • Please margin all headings to the left.

Tables and Figures

  • Please embed tables and figures in appropriate areas within the document and center them horizontally. Tables and figures should not exceed the given page margins.
  • Provide captions (maximum length: 6 to 8 words) for each table or figure.with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. 
  • Centre the caption above the table and below the figure. 
  • Please reference the table or figure in the text before it is given in the text.
  • Please do not use vertical lines in tables.
  • For figures, GIF and JPEG (JPG) are the preferred formats.


  • Manuscripts are submitted in APA style. Please refer to the latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • At the end of the article, please list all references in alphabetical order (based on authors’ last names).
  • Please use the first-level heading: “References”

Journal Contact

Mailing Address

International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE)

Dr. Omid Noroozi

Education and Learning Sciences Chair Group

Wageningen University and Research

The Netherlands


Principal Contact

Dr. Omid Noroozi
Wageningen University and Research, Education and Learning Sciences Chair Group, The Netherlands

Support Contact

International Journal of Technology in Education

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