Monday, February 5, 2024

SCOPUS/NOT SJR YET/WOS-International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI)-FREE?-SPAIN


We are pleased to inform you that, last July, the journal received a positive assessment of its application for inclusion in the Scopus database, which means that it has been internationally recognized for its ability to attract top researchers who see the results of their work published in it, as well as support for its management.


Department of Education and Social Psychology. Area of School Organization and Didactics. Pablo de Olavide University. 41013, Spain

Principal Contact

Eloy López Meneses, PhD.
Department of Education and Social Psychology. Pablo de Olavide University, Spain.
Phone+34 954 97 7405.

Support Contact

Eloy López Meneses, PhD.
Phone+34 954 97 7405.

Open Access Policy

International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI) is an Open Access journal totally free, making the contents of scientific articles freely available, for the promotion of universal scientific knowledge. In this sense, IJERI does not apply any processing fees (APCs).

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to further global knowledge exchange.

ESCI (Emerging Source Citation Index, WOS Thomson Reuters, Master List)

The extension of the work meets the following criteria:

  • Research: (4.000/ 6.000 words, including references).
  • Theoretical studies:: (8.000/ 10.000 words, including references).

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