Wednesday, February 7, 2024

SJRQ2/WOS-International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM)-HYBRID-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Managing Editor

Joe Tidd
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RF

IJIM is the official journal of the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)

  • The review process is double-blind
  • To assist this process, please only identify authors on the cover page. 
  • Manuscripts with excessive typographical errors may be returned to authors for retyping. 
  • Authors should submit online at It is a priority of this journal to minimise publication lead-time, so the main or corresponding authors should, where possible, provide an e-mail address, fax and telephone numbers. 
  • Papers should include an abstract of not more than 150 words. 
  • If a paper is accepted for publication, the final version should be sent timely in Microsoft Word format labelled with author name(s); title of article; journal title; file name. Figures, embedded in the text, should be black and white (or half-tone) and of a good resolution and sharpness. In the case of MS-Word files, figures may be embedded; otherwise, they should be supplied separately. Compressed formats, such as JPEG, should not use heavy compression, which introduces undesirable artifacts. Bitmap figures, such as photographs or half-tone images, should be at least 300dpi (TIFF, BMP, or JPEG). Vector (line-art) figures, such as charts and technical drawings, should be 600-1200dpi (EPS, PS, PDF). In the case of a multi-author paper, the cover letter should designate a single author responsible tor all future communication. This will facilitate the formatting for publication. Authors are allowed to check their proofs before publication and they must be returned to the Publisher by the stipulated date.

Braun, A., & Bockelmann, L. (2016). An individual perspective on open innovation capabilities in the context of haute cuisine. International Journal of Innovation Management20(01), 1650002.

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