Tuesday, November 14, 2023

SJRQ3-International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER)-$900 Pre-paid-Mauritius

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Journal Name: International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational  Research

Short name: IJLTER

Subject Area and Category: Social Sciences Education

IJLTER has 3600+ citations in Google Scholar for 950+ papers over 7 years of publishing high quality content.

Country: Mauritius

Review date: 2021.05.13 Updated: 2021.10.29 Updated: 2023.11.16

SJR Quartile: SJRQ4

ISSN: 16942116, 16942493

Publisher: Society for Research and Knowledge Management

Email: Prof. Antonio Silva Sprock, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of

APC: This journal charges the following author fees.


There are no fees for submitting articles to the journal. Fast-Track Review: 250.00 (USD)
Fast-Track Review will incur an additional cost of $250 USD. With the payment of this additional fees, the paper will be processed on a priority basis and will be published in the next available issue as far as possible. This fees has to be paid before the start of the reviewing process.

Online Article Publication: 900.00 (USD) If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee of $600 USD to cover publications costs. This fees is applicable for articles with less than 7000 words. Articles with 7000 words or more will carry an additional fees of $50 for every additional group of 1000 words (or part of). For example, if your paper has 8600 words, the publication fees will be $700 USD.


2022.09.03- They sent email they will review paper if authors pay $900 APC.

Beall Listed: NO

Scopus Discontinued List: NO

Frequency: Monthly

Template: http://ijlter.org/template

Style: Papers must contain at least 5500 words, including the references. All references must strictly follow the APA style (7th edition). DOIs must be included where available. If DOI is not available, insert another url where the material was taken from.


Similarity threshold:

Submission process:

Journal web page comments: Papers must contain at least 5500 words, including the references. All references must strictly follow the APA style. DOIs must be included where available. If DOI is not available, insert another url where the material was taken from.

Handbook comments: Journal is stated to be from Mauritius but the editor is from Venezuela. Good home for long papers. A little bit expensive for Q4 but if you are in a hurry, maybe a good journal to consider.

Sample papers:

1.      Innovative Teaching: A Qualitative Review of Flipped Classrooms

2.      What do Malaysian ESL Teachers Think About Flipped Classroom?

Susanto ., Evi Muafiah, Ayu Desrani, Apri Wardana Ritonga, Arif Rahman Hakim

Motivational Styles and Instructional Practices inTeaching Mathematics: Their Impact onStudents’ Learning Catherine B. Pulumbarit Bulacan State University, Malolos Bulacan Philippines

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