Wednesday, November 15, 2023

SJRQ1-Psychology in the Schools - Wiley - APA - Hybrid (free)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

Practitioner Points

Authors will need to provide no more than 3 ‘key points’ that summarize the key messages of their paper to be published with their article. The key points should be written with a practitioner audience in mind.

Article Preparation Support

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so you can submit your manuscript with confidence.

Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.   

Free format submission

Psychology in the Schools now offers free format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

References should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).


Developing a school-wide progress-monitoring system

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