Sunday, May 7, 2023

SJRQ2/WOS-Education Sciences-MDPI-Switzerland-53,000 baht

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

The structure should include an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions (optional) sections, with a suggested minimum word count of 4000 words.

o submit your manuscript, register and log in to the submission website. Once you have registered, click here to go to the submission form for Education Sciences. All co-authors can see the manuscript details in the submission system, if they register and log in using the e-mail address provided during manuscript submission.

 Authors are encouraged to use the Microsoft Word template or LaTeX template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. 

Education Sciences now accepts free format submission:

  • We do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the required sections: Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions, Funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest and other Ethics Statements. Check the Journal Instructions for Authors for more details.
  • Your references may be in any style, provided that you use the consistent formatting throughout. It is essential to include author(s) name(s), journal or book title, article or chapter title (where required), year of publication, volume and issue (where appropriate) and pagination. DOI numbers (Digital Object Identifier) are not mandatory but highly encouraged. The bibliography software package EndNoteZoteroMendeleyReference Manager are recommended.
  • When your manuscript reaches the revision stage, you will be requested to format the manuscript according to the journal guidelines.
After 2 submission in early May 2023, I can report the following for ES submissions:

1. If you prepare your paper in their template, the submission system extracts many of the details such as author information, title, abstract, and keywords for you.
2. The ES system allows you to upload and make public the author bios.
3. The ES system requires you to provide the names of three experts to review your paper. These experts should be from outside your university and not associated with the authors.
4. There is a 10% discount for certain universities who are members of the Institutional Open Access Program-IOAP.
5. Make sure you know which author contributed what to the paper. 
6. Funding information has a button to allow you to complete later if you don't remember all the details.
7. At the end of the submission process you must upload a BLIND copy of your paper with all author information removed.
8. There is an upload button for a cover letter and another for supplementary material.
9. MDPI allows you to upload your paper before its acceptance and publish to their preprint server ( They state the paper will immediately be assigned a DOI and will be indexed in Google Scholar.
10. The template states that you should prepare your references in their unique style and use a numbering citation/reference system. In the author guidelines they say you can submit any consistent style but you will have to change later if your paper is accepted.
11. At the time of submission ES was both SJRQ2 and indexed in the Web of Science (WOS).
12. My first attempt to upload the files failed. I then refreshed the page, uploaded again, and the second time worked.
13. One paper was immediately rejected during the initial desk review due to the topic not fitting the journal's scope and the author was notified immediately. This took less than 24 hours from submission, The good thing is at least the authors know the status of their submission quickly so they can resubmit elsewhere.
14. I suggest authors run a Turnitin similarity report before their submission and make sure their score is 15% or lower. Personally, I try to make sure papers are 10% or lower. To achieve lower score look carefully at how your hypotheses statements are worded, how your goodness-of-fit section is written, and do not cut and paste ANY text. 
15. Always make sure you let a native speaker edit your paper or at a minimum run an English language grammar checking tool such as Grammarly which is free. Grammarly Premium is much better as it checks for plagiarism and checks your reference style correctness but it is not free. My experience has shown me that there will always be a 10% or more difference in the Turnitin report score and the Grammarly Premium similarity scores, with Grammarly the lower and more correct of the two systems. 

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