Friday, May 19, 2023

SJRQ3Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance-Cuadernos de Economia (Spain)-1,500 Euro

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal

Dear Author,


Call for Papers: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, Scopus Q3

The Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance (SJEF) invites submissions of original research articles, review articles, and book reviews in the fields of economics and finance. The journal seeks to publish high-quality research that advances our understanding of economic and financial issues in Spain and around the world.

Papers should be written in English and must not have been previously published or be under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to a rigorous peer-review process by our distinguished editorial board and referees.

We encourage submissions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners working in the fields of economics and finance. SJEF offers a fast and efficient review process, with accepted papers published online ahead of print.

Kindly proceed with the submission of your paper to


We look forward to hearing from you. The paper publication is 1500 Euros.


Editorial Team

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