Tuesday, May 2, 2023

SJRQ3-International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL)-Hybrid-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Editor in Chief
Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat
ISSN online
ISSN print
8 issues per year


How to publish in this journal


A few essentials for publishing in this journal

  • Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
  • Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
  • All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
  • All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available.
  • There are no charges for publishing with Inderscience, unless you require your article to be Open Access (OA). You can find more information on OA here.

  • Submission process

    • All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.
    • View Author guidelines.

Perceptions and the new paradigm of Thai vocational education

Published Online:pp 344-365https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIL.2023.130101

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