Friday, October 20, 2023

SJRQ4-Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT)-$550 - BEALL LIST

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

18173195, 19928645
Scopus Discontinued List: No (April 2022)

Frequency : Monthly

Author Guides for Manuscript

  • Evaluation of submitted articles is free of cost but iff submitted manuscript is accepted after double blind peer reviews, the author has to submit open access fee $550 to get the manuscript published with the Journal. There is a $100 discount for international collaboration research i.e. authors belonging to institutions of more than one country.

  • Also make sure that the similarity index of submitted manuscript is below 25% as per JATIT policy otherwise the paper will be declared as plagiarized immediately after establishing that it violates the policy.

  • Journal requires the author to submit a copyright transfer agreement that transfers copyright of the article to the Journal name before publication.

  • Manuscript Guidelines
    (Please download and use this as a guide for manuscript preparation before submission)

Please submit your papers electronically to our submission system at  in an MSWord, Pdf or compatible format so that they may be evaluated for publication in the upcoming issue.

Submit Paper

For online submission of manuscript/papers, please fill in the following correctly. You will receive the Paper ID and password along with agreement in submission reply. If you are not updated on the Paper ID within two days of submission, please contact at editorjatit at / editor at or contact managing editor at mailjatit at / Make sure that the submitted manuscript is not in process of publication anywhere in any conference/journal across the globe.

The review process may take anywhere form fifteen days to two months depending on the response time of reviewers. Authors will be informed by updating the paper status as soon as we receive the evaluation results on the journal website.

Ensure that your manuscript meets the minimum review criteria before submission. Visit author guidelines at

If a you are having issues with online submission system you may forward your paper via email to the editorial office at editorjatit at

Sample Thai papers:


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