Tuesday, October 24, 2023

SJRQ1-Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (JHTM)-8,000 words-APA-Australian

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal


CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Inc.)

Text: Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association. 

Articles using quantitative methods
Please note that the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management requires that:
a) You attach a copy of the questionnaire - this may be in the original language but where possible a translation in English is appreciated;
b) A list of the items used in scaled data is required that shows the means, standard deviations, skew and kurtosis is requested. Many statistical techniques make assumptions of normality and referees and readers need to know that data does or does not conform to this requirement. The tables may be added as an appendix;
c) The use of structural equation modelling is a popular technique, and hence referees would wish to know not only that data meets the requirement of normality (and if not, what has been done about it) but also how missing data have been treated. It is a common requirement that not only are indices of fit reported, but also a covariance matrix is provided and critical ratios and average variance extracted are also reported;
d) Testing of the adequacy of the sample size should be undertaken; and
e) Details as to the means of collecting the sample should be provided.

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