Saturday, October 14, 2023


 We are welcome to receive quantitative articles on:

- Artificial intelligence (AI) in education
- The importance of STEAM
- Digital skills (digital competence)
- Augmented reality, mixed reality, robotics, cyber security
- Use of digital resources in the classroom
- Addition to social networks
- Emerging technologies in education

Dear author,

My name is david Guillén-Gámez.

The journal Innoeduca (International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation) has improved its impact indexes from the international Web of Science database (WOS), achieving 0.27 in JCI (Journal Citation Indicator) in 2022.

We are writing to you in case you are interested in sending a manuscript of yours, or that of a doctoral student. We would appreciate his/her interest and being able to collaborate with us since we are trying to increase metrics with international authors.

Some facts to consider:
The Journal does not have any cost to publish, it is open access.
- Allows two languages: Spanish and English.
- The journal focuses on educational technology.

We would greatly appreciate your help on this long journey.
Let me know if you have any questions or I can help you in any matter


Dr. Francisco David Guillén-Gámez
Department of Didactics and School Organization

Faculty of Education Sciences


Phone.: +34 952 13 11 16 |   

Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 25, 29071 Málaga

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