Monday, July 15, 2024

SJRQ2/WOS-Cogent Education-$1,590

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[PDF] Development of competency-based assessment model for KRU RAK THIN scholarship'recipients

S Kritkharuehart, U Vimolsilp, P Photipussa - Cogent Education, 2024

Competency-based assessment plays an important role in the development of
learners’ education as it enables them to demonstrate their expertise and readiness
for professional life. The competencies of ‘KRU RAK THIN’ scholarship recipients in …

Buraphadeja, V., & Prabhu, S. (2020). Faculty’s use of Facebook and implications for e-Professionalism in Thailand. Cogent Education7(1), 1774956.

Anuruthwong, U. (2017). Education for the gifted/talented in Thailand. Cogent Education4(1), 1332825.

Chaengpromma, N., & Pattanapairoj, S. (2022). A gap study between industry expectations and current competencies of bachelor’s degree graduates in industrial engineering in Thailand 4.0 era: A case study of industrial engineering graduates of Khon Kaen University. Cogent Education9(1), 2093491.

Louhapensang, C., & Noobanjong, K. (2021). Cultivations of cross-cultural experiences via a collaborative and cooperative approach for sustainable learning from communities in Si Satchanalai, Thailand. Cogent Education8(1), 2003959.

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