Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SJRQ2-Electronic Journal of e-Learning-GBP 400-REVIEW 6 WEEKS-

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


How to publish in this journal


About the Journal

The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL) provides pedagogical, learning and educational perspectives on topics relevant to the study, implementation and management of e-learning initiatives. EJEL has published regular issues since 2003 and averages between 5 and 6 issues a year.

The journal contributes to the development of both theory and practice in the field of e-learning. The Editorial team consider academically robust papers and welcome empirical research, case studies, action research, theoretical discussions, literature reviews and other work which advances learning in this field. All papers are double-blind peer reviewed.

The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL) is:

  • indexed by Scopus
  • included in the Chartered Association of Business Schools Academic Journals List
  • Indexed by Google Scholar with a h5-index median of 35
  • indexed by the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • rated level 1 in the Danish Government bibliometric lists (Bibliometric lists)
  • rated level 1 in the Finnish Journals Rankings
  • listed in the Norwegian Social Science Data Services
  • listed in the EBSCO database of electronic Journals
  • listed in the Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities
  • listed in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory
  • indexed by the Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC) – US Department of Education
  • indexed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK
  • indexed by CiteseerX

The typical time for the first round of the review process is approximately 6 weeks, with a maximum of three months. 


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