Tuesday, July 16, 2024

TCI1-Journal of Language and Culture (JLC)-Thailand

 The Journal of Language and Culture (JLC) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA) at Mahidol University. Since 1981, JLC has served as a platform for researchers, academicians, practitioners, and students to communicate and share knowledge through cutting-edge research on a wide array of topics related to language and culture in Asian contexts.

Thai soft power: Moving forward in the right direction

W Kaewanant, S Sirisunhirun - Journal of Language and Culture, 2024
… This study presents policy guidelines that apply the concept of soft power as a
mechanism for a country to enhance its bargaining power at … gained from soft
power, the current and previous Thai government administrations have advanced …

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