Monday, June 14, 2021

Scopus discontinued-Elementary Education Online (EEO)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Journal Name: Elementary Education Online

Short name: EEO

Subject Area and Category:

Country: Turkey (actually Malaysia now as all invoicing is done by IEC)

Review date: 2021.05.13

SJR Quartile:  It was SJRQ3 before being discontinued by Scopus and having its SJR rank dropped to 'zero'. 

ISSN: 13053515

Publisher: Ankara University Faculty of Education Department Primary Education is the group stated on the SJR web site, with this group on the website, Advanced Research Trentz. However, starting in 2020, the journal started invoicing out of Malaysia by Intellectual Edge Consultancy (IEC). It seems EEO has a hard time finding a home.


APC: The APC has increased quickly from $300, to $450, and now in 2021, $700. However, the website in 2021 is still stating the APC as $450. Emails to Intellectual Edge in Malaysia (they do the invoicing) received no response concerning this matter.

Editor(s): There are no names anywhere on this website…for obvious reasons.

Beall Listed: No

Scopus Discontinued List: Added to the Scopus discontinued list in February 2021.

Frequency: Six issues per year with papers posted almost daily.

Template: Download the Manuscript Template

Style: APA


Similarity threshold:

Submission process:

Journal Web Page Comments:

Handbook comments: Where do we begin in discussing this journal’s recent ‘evolution’? When we first started tracking EEO and submitting papers there, good papers moved to review quickly, with three reviewers being used. They also used the experts/reviewers the author suggested. Titles of papers were both in English and Turkish as well. However, in 2020 we noticed a change in EEO’s requirements and the omission of Turkish titles for each submission. Subsequently, although the web site says the APC is $450 USD, actual invoices started to come from the notorious International Edge Consultancy (IEC) in Malaysia for $700 USD per paper. 

Even when this significant discrepancy was pointed out to IEC, the web site as of 2021.04.13 still stated its APC was $450. It should also be noted that EEO now has transitioned to a full-blown, multidisciplinary journal and takes papers on any subject from anywhere, thus the reason for the Scopus/CSAB removal we suspect. 

Finally, although EEO is quick to accept and invoice now, getting your paper posted online can take up to three months according to their emails. However, in the continuing saga with EEO, this message also appeared at the end of April 2021. Even if you get it published, you can's reach it sometimes. Just so you know.

Also, it seems EEO potential authors have been a victim of 'scam solicitation emails'. These notices appeared on EEO's website in 2021:

We also think this is a situation where ‘greed’ took over from common sense. However, if you are a believer that “greed is good”, the folks behind EEO stand to make a cool $2 million USD plus from their 6 issues over the next 12 months at the pace they are going. We do hope the CSAB hasn’t stifled IEC’s plans for new Benz’s for all their editors and staff by removing EEO from Scopus in February 2021…

As a footnote to EEO's saga, it seems that EEO knowing they had problems with the Scopus CSAB, they tried to make an effort to limit their geographic intake of papers due to this announcement in January 2021. 

However, it seems once they knew they were going to be discontinued, they took anything from anywhere which is why the Issue for Year: 2021, Volume: 19 Issue 5 finished with 875 papers!!!  

My suggestion is you find another journal for your research.

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