Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Scopus discontinued-Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Journal Name: Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists

Short name: JEGYS

Subject Area and Category: Transitioned to multidisciplinary (reason for being discontinued).

Country: Turkey

Review date: 2021.04.29 Updated: 2021.06.17

SJR Quartile: Was SJRQ3. Now ZERO.

ISSN: 2149360X

Publisher: Genç Bilge Yayıncılık

Contact Email:

APC: $1,000 USD. Article Review Processing Fee.

Editor(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Said TORTOP -

Beall Listed: NO

Scopus Discontinued List: YES


Template: Template – “Dear author - JEGYS template will send to you after the your article is accepted. For your first article submissions, we would like 11 point Garamond. Do not make any arrangements. After the article is accepted, we will send you the template.”


Copyright: Copyright Transfer Agreement Form (sign and scan) with the article.  

Similarity threshold:

Submission process:

Journal Web Page Comments: Articles that apply to the JEGYS academic journal are taken in pre-review stage. Pre-review is done by the editorial board. Articles that do not have the necessary permissions, whose plagiarism report is negative and that are outside the coverage of the journal are rejected. Then, the Article Review Process starts, where there are at least two referees and blind. The decision to publish is taken for those who are successful in the referee process. “Before the pre-review process and before the Article Review Process, the author pays fee in advance for these evaluations. If it does not pass the pre-review or the Article Review Process (from 2 reviewers), the fee is not refunded. Because the editorial board must manage the Article Review Processes completely independently. If JEGYS academic journal changes the fee it will charge for article evaluation processes, the new fee will be valid for the articles that are already in progress. Note: Article Review Process fee for the authors is determined as one thousand dolar. JEGYS can discount this fee for some articles or manage the free publishing process.” (Announced in June 24, 2020). - Journal strives to send reviewers' evaluation to authors within 8 weeks.

Handbook comments: This is an expensive journal given the fact that it has been discontinued by Scopus and is not covered by SJR any longer. 

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